Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rainbow Bookshelves

A few weeks ago I helped one of my biffles pick up some IKEA bookshelves she bought off the internet from a couple in the city.  As we met the couple selling them to her, the guy mentioned that he used to organize his books by color, until he got sick of all of his friends making fun of him.  As rainbow order is my organizational technique of choice, I immediately decided this dude was pretty cool.  (I also empathized with the made-fun-of part, as I've had coworkers make fun of me for color coding my apartment keys in the order you use them to open the my defense, it takes 5 keys to get into my apartment!)  But his comment got me thinking about how one day I'd love to have an entire wall of bookshelves, filled to the brim.  Because my apartment is fairly small, the majority of my books are currently being stored in a closet in boxes...not the most user friendly method.  But, I am resolved to eventually have something like this!


Is that not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?  I love the junction of form and function, as the books become a focal point in the room!

In related news, I've been working on slowly collecting the Penguin Classics books...I love their modern and graphic colors.  They'd fit nicely in being arranged by rainbow order!  


  1. That's phenomenal, but I don't think my books are colorful enough to do that.

    I LOVE the Penguin Classics books, they are just gorgeous.

  2. For a second, I thought you had creepily taken a picture of the Hipster Dude's apartment. But I fully support your brand of crazy!
