Friday, September 9, 2011

Flashback Friday-Birthday Edition

My birthday is in 10 days, and I am turning the incredibly-intimidating-and-grown-up-sounding age of 25.  I also have the wonderful honor of sharing my birthday (sorta) with one of my bffl's, Lindz.  She was born on the 18th, and I was born on the 19th, giving me a birthday twin to celebrate with!  (In super cool and coincidental news, we also share the fact that our dads share our birthdates, but in July.  As in, her dad's birthday is July 18th, and my dad's birthday is July 19th. AND her sister has the same birthday as my mom! Weird, huh?)  Our plans for celebrating this year are still in finalizing mode, but I know one thing for sure--it's going to be hard to top our epic celebration of last year.  Since we're birthday BAMF's, we decided to celebrate for two full days.  Some highlights of last year included:

Seeing a fav local band, The Noise FM

Eating crepes at an adorable place owned by a French man

Glow in the dark mini golf!

Going to the grand opening of Chick-Fil-A

Wandering an awesome used book store in Wicker Park

A truly epic celebration...I can only hope this year will be as much fun!  (and equally distracting from the cold hard truth of getting older.)

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