Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It'sa me, Mario!

Last friday was my older brother's birthday (he turned the age of officially old!) and I decided I wanted to go all out when making his birthday cake.  It didn't take long to settle on a Mario cake, as much of our childhood was spent with his hands on a Nintendo controller and me looking on as he fought Bowser.  (when he DID let me play, I ALWAYS had to be Luigi...but that's a story for another day.  I'm not bitter, I swear.  Not.  At.  All.)  I've worked with fondant a bit, as I worked at a cupcake bakery for awhile in college, but this was my first big girl attempt at fondant cake.  It only took all of Friday, until the wee hours of 2am, but I was able to make something pretty cool I think!

I'm not gonna lie, watching the cake getting cut into was a BIT painful.  But he really liked it, so the 2am delirium was definitely worth it! 


  1. I've always wanted to try fondant! That is so cool!! I am your newest follower via Etsy blog team. Come by and say hello. I have recipes and crafts and things to say.... Take care!

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Luigi was always way cooler. Always go for the wingman, Manda!
