Monday, September 5, 2011

Music Monday-Beirut

A few days ago, this arrived at my doorstep...

...and it has made me happy ever since.  I discovered Beirut a few years ago thanks to the ever amazing Pandora, and have been in love since that day.  His music instantly transports you to Europe, but it never feels like a novelty or knock-off.  I'll be the first to admit I'm a sucker for a good melody, and the melodies of this and his past albums are the simple and clean yet rich and full.  The kind of melodies that stay with you long after you listen.  Zach Condon, the man behind Beirut, explained his love for melody in a recent article, saying: 

"I’ve always been searching for some sort of epic melancholy, I guess. It sounds silly saying it out loud, but it’s the truth. I can remember the first melody that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. It was this haunting Italian aria. My mom put it on. It had a haunting melodic twist at the top of the singer’s range, and I remember thinking, I wish this just repeated and didn’t go anywhere else."

Epic melancholy pretty much sums up his music, so the man has clearly accomplished his goal.  I'm seeing him live at the end of this month, and I couldn't be more excited!

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