Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My name is Manda, and I have an addiction.

Ok kids, it's time to get real.  I am addicted, hardcore, to...accessories.  I would say this problem has been going on since....well, since birth.  There's just something so exciting about the pop of color accessories can add to your outfit, and it's really the place where you can get away with crazy and unexpected.  You remember that board game Pretty Pretty Princess?  I have NO CLUE how to actually play the game, but I have vivid memories of bartering over accessories with my friend until we were COVERED in plastic heaven. Actually, come to think of it, I don't think much has changed since then...I still don't pay much attention to how I SHOULD be doing something, and I do my not-paying-attention with at least 5 accessories on.  (Grown-up-hood, I have arrived.) My accessory of choice often rotates, from necklaces to earrings to rings to headbands to bags to shoes to sunglasses.  Which is most definitely my current obsession, as I have bought several pairs of wayfarers this summer:

In my defense, you really do need them in every color!
I really am like a three year old, with an out of sight out of mind problem, so I like to keep my accessories in view when I'm getting dressed in the morning.  Including my prized headband collection:

As prized as "purchased in Target's kids section" can be
The only problem with this brilliant solution is it made me realize I had far more warm colored headbands than cool colored.  Oh yay, another excuse to buy more headbands!  (Good thing the Target kids section is so economical!)

My addiction runs so deep that on most days I have an accessory in mind BEFORE I pick my clothes.  You don't know how many times sleepy 6am Manda has thought to herself "I really need to wear my pink headband today...ok, that shirt isn't horribly offensive when paired with it."  Sometimes I get sad when I go out at night, because I can't wear the sunglasses that would match my outfit perfectly.  Sad, guys.  SAD.  Over SUNGLASSES.  (This is the part where I SHOULD be realizing how pathetic this reaction is, but instead I'm revisiting the outfit in my head and...the it comes again...)

To be honest, I don't really see myself changing anytime soon, and I will probably be the 82 year old woman rockin a flower headband and assorted other crazy sparkles all over me.  But seriously, how can you not appreciate accessories?  I can't be the only one who picks accessory first, outfit later, right? Right? ....Bueller? Bueller?


  1. And you give me grief about choosing my jewelry first!!!!

  2. We'll all be in the nursing home, on the same floor, rocking headbands and sunglasses and heels (and breaking hips) and Claire's wedding rings, and not caring that all the boys look at us funny. Right?
