Monday, August 29, 2011

Music Monday-Cold War Kids

For the first time in far too long I've been able to pull out my cardigans and the adjective "chilly" when interacting with the weather as of late.  While I'm certain it will return to scorching just as soon as I settle into chilly, the change in temperature has firmly planted ideas of fall in my mind.  Fall has always been my jam, my favorite season for sure.  Cooler temperatures, school supplies, changing colors, cardigans, my birthday month.  And I always find myself changing my music wardrobe at the same time I pull out the hooded sweatshirts.  I'm not 100% ready to retire my summer tunes (I've still got a few more windows-open-sunglasses-on car jam sessions in me!) but I've already started listening to the more mellow fall material.  The stuff that makes you turn inside and think think think.  Cold War Kids fits that bill perfectly, and has been on repeat in my Itunes for the last week or so!

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