Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Things I Want to Buy: Rain, Rain Go Away

This has certainly been the weirdest winter ever in Chicago--I feel like it never truly became winter.  Instead, we had a constant see-saw between winter and spring, back and forth.  The past few days have been very spring-like though, so I'm crossing my fingers that spring will stick this time.  The warmer weather has gotten me thinking about the rainy weather that April will most certainly bring with it, which of course got me thinking about a few essentials I'd like to upgrade. To the online shopping mobile!
Penguin rain boots from Target!  I already own a pair of rainbow heart boots from Target, but they're a little worse for the wear and there's a hole in the right boot. A fact that I sadly did not discover until jumping into a ginormous rain puddle last spring...that was a very soggy walk home.

Raincoat from Target! When I was five, I had the coolest reversible raincoat ever, that could be purple OR pink.  I've basically spent the rest of my life trying to find a grown-up version of that coat.  This is the closest I've come to so far!

Rainbow polka dot bubble umbrella from Totes! I love the look of bubble umbrellas, but they aren't the most compact or practical when folded up.  But this one is so adorable I may have to get it!

Here's hoping spring sticks around for awhile!

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