Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's not stealing if it was already on the ground, right?

The scene: Saturday night, on the red line.  My biffle (that's what we cool kids call our best friends) and I had just waited 20 minutes to transfer to a blue line train to head off to Wicker Park for a concert, only to have the train finally arrive filled to the brim with Sox fans.  No room for you here, North Sider.  So we tucked our tails and headed back on the red line to regroup before heading to another show in Wrigleyville.  (Thank goodness for knowing about lots of shows!)  I was feeling a little down about the CTA (may have tweeted some disparaging things about the blue line) when we got on the red line to see that someone (perhaps a someone just as frustrated as me with getting from point A to point B) had ripped down the El map hung in the car above the door.  After a few stops of watching people trample the map and debating, I decided that it had to be mine, fear of contracting diseases pushed aside.  So I picked it up, rolled it up, and a day later framed it to hang in my apartment!

I'm really excited to have a part of my city all to myself.  And don't worry, I windex-ed it before framing it to ensure that all of the El germs were gone.  Also, my trip to Michael's was quite a happy one, as all frames were buy one, get one for 1 cent!  I took that opportunity to get a few more frames and frame some show posters I've been meaning to hang up for awhile.  The results of that:

Eventually they will be added to the wall above my bed, which currently looks like this:

Heh, you probably think I make my bed all the time.  That would be false.
So in conclusion, $2.25 can buy you a cranky wait for a train, 20 minutes amongst Sox fans, and an El map!  Also, Michael's is the coolest.

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